Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

week seven

shelter :An establishment that provides temporary housing for homeless people.

context:from being at my internship

coquettishlly ; A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt.
context ; from Ms Aarti vocabulary

arogant :displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth
context :from Aarti class on the vocabullary

sexual abuse : sex act committed by one person by force on another person, or against that other person's will.
A sex act occurs when one person’s genitals touch another persons mouth or genitals, or when a substitute for a person’s genitals, such as fingers or an object, touches another person’s genitals.
context: from being at my intership i mean i alway heard those words but i learn the definition from being at my internship on of the employe told me

woman right :the rights, claimed by and for women, of equal privileges and opportunities with men
context; from being at my internship


Week 5 and Beyond - Weekly Vocabulary Assignments
the weekly vocabulary that i have learn from my internship this week
domestic voilence : an emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married;
context ; i saw it on the cover of a book at intership
filles :A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order
context; i learn it from being at my intership
shredding :To cut or tear into shreds
context; learn it from being at my intership
assimilation: The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture.
context ; from the book of the raisin in the sun
opressive:Weighing heavily on the senses or spirit
context : from Mrs Aarti vocabulary

Monday, May 18, 2009

What is it?
a Haitian organization that name dwa fanm wich mean in English woman right .
What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?
a business that helping woman prevent thier right from be abuse by man or child abuse and more consume about domestic violence .
Where is it? What is the neighborhood like compared to where our school is?
it's in atlantic ave'close to the atlantinc terminal

Tell a little about your mentor.
my mentor name is Tia richard she's nice and respectfull ,fun to work with
and well organize.

What kinds of things have you done so far?
so for in internship we have been ansewing phone faxin paper to orther business patner and fixing filles

What were some of the highlights of the fourth week? (Memorable moments, cool things, incredibly difficult things...)
on of the memorable from that first week was that my mentor Tia was able to to send us to that post office down town on my way their i saw a lot of cool thing like bautifull flower and get some fresh air the temparature was nice on that day

Please answer some logistical questions...

When do you leave school?
i leave school around 11 :25 oclock am everyday after two classes

How long does it take you to get to your internship?
it tooks me like 25 /30 minute to get in to my internship

When do you arrive at home?
sometime if i leff internship at 4 i get home around 5;30 but if i leave internship 5 i get home at 6 pm

What is your schedule? (What days do you work and for how long each day?)
my schedule is that we have to go every day to internship monday to thursday that equal to four days every weeks star from 1 oclok to 4 pm or sometime i stay for some xtra hours if i wanted to

Who are the two people that can sign your time card? (Your mentor and the additional person)
my mentor TIa or Marryse or sometime Mnoushka

Part 3
This is a supplemental assignment for your fourth week.

How was the fourth week different than the third week?
the fourth weekl is diferent because now i am started to now most of the people i am working with so i did not get confuse when i have to call on somebodys extention

What is something that you really like about the internship?
something that i really like about my internship is that sometime they give you some free time to do some of your home work at the internship to if their are nothing for you to do

What is something you dislike about the internship?
something that i dislike about my inter ship is that they give us to much paper to fix and filles to fix .

Who else's blog have your read and commented on?
actually none

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week Three - Life as a High School Intern

For today's post, your job is to describe as many internship tasks as you can. Since you began three Mondays back, what have you been doing? Paint a picture of a typical day in the life of an intern. What are you doing from the time you start until the time you leave? Are you working alone or with a group of people? Who are you working with? In what kind of space are you working?

Turn your description into a short story, diary, or journal entry that creates a picture of the life of you, a high school intern.

Use your journal entries from each day to make your story more interesting and full of details.

as a high school intern that have been send to her internship side every day after two classes , i think you people may keep windowing what did i have been doing in the past three week of internship but now you don't have to anymore i am going to tell you all about the what i have been doing in internship .but first i will began with the task that i have been doing in this internship side .

stuff that i have been doing in my internship are making copy for my mentor making books with the copy paper that i made .Swede paper when they are not able to use anymore , answer the phone when a client call , and also fixing paper that one that i hate the most and sometime the even send us to the shelter to help the person who live her or sometime if someone is coming to fix something in the shelter for them and their is no body at the home shelter so the send us in the shelter to with for this person until that person finish with what he's doing then go back to the internship side and go home that what i have been doing in the internship side .
person that i am working with in my internship are Stephanie and Rachelle Elodie those are the student that is in the same internship as me .and we also working with order student that interning in the side to.

Monday, March 30, 2009

my second week of internship

You're off to your second week interning and I suspect you're learning a great deal about the ins and outs of your site. This week's writing task involves how you document the work you'll be doing each day. In other words, "How do you keep good records of the work you do each day?" This is an extremely important part of your internship and you’ll need to use your journals each and every day.

Take a look at this story:

An intern came to me this morning and complained that he wanted a new site. I responded "Why?" He began to tell me how he had asked his mentor if he could use an office computer. She said, "Sure, no problem." So this young man proceeded to do some work on the computer for an hour or so. At the time he was about to leave and get his time card signed, his mentor approached him and said, "What have you done today?" He paused, sort of amazed that she was asking him that question. To make matters worse, his mentor didn't ask the question in a kind way, and the intern felt pretty upset. He had been working all day at his internship site, but he wasn't quick to respond with a list of things that he'd done. He left the internship that day feeling really dejected. He wished he hadn’t been there at all. It was a sad day.

So what's the lesson of this story? In your post for today, answer the question. Create a plan that you think will be the best plan to make sure that you are able to explain to your mentor at the end of a day, week, or month, what you’ve been accomplishing. What about being able to record all the things you're learning and doing so that you can write an essay in April about your internship? What can you do?

1. after my second week of internship this is how i keep the good report that i have done each day of internship . so each day after internship when i get home i took my pen and notebook i write all the thing that i have done for the all day of internship . the reason i did not do it at my site its because i didn't have that much time to do it .so i take my journal home and do my work i home .

2. i think the lesson of this story is that dooing the day you should write in your journal all the work that you have done for the day. because if that was that what i will do to make it eassy for me

Monday, March 23, 2009

my first week of intership

□ Describe your mentor and the environment in the office you’re working.
□ Describe your first thoughts when you arrived at your internship.
□ Describe your first day, from the first minute you arrived to the minute you left.
□ What are your goals for internship? What knowledge do you hope to gain? What skills do you hope to gain?
□ Describe the types of work you’ve been doing so far and any challenges you’ve had/

after my first week of internship i have learn a lot of few thing about my mentor and the place . and today i decide to share some of those stuff with you people who visiting my blogs. first i am going to start with my mentor and then after i will tell you some more about the place .

my mentor
my internship mentor name is Tia Richard , she's is a nice laddie i think because she's always try to talk to you , she always say hi to you when you come and she's always have a smile on her face when she's talking to you so i think she a really nice person .

2. actually i will like to tell a little bit about the environment but i have not be learn anything about it yet but i think later on i will be able to tell you more about it

3. my first thought when i get to my internship in my haird i think i was going to learn a lot about the organization and learn some new skill to improve my self for college and actually i thought it was gonna be a fun thing to .
4. actually my goals for internship was to developing skill but hellas the way i have seeing this internship its look like i will not have the opportunity to achieve what i want to achieving in my internship . because all i have been doing for this week is making copy and fixing some all paper and i don't think i will the opportunity to learn anything from doing those stuff.

5 . as i already tell you what i have been doing in my site i don't think i have to answer the same question again . the only challenge thing for is that i am some fighting with my self to stay up because sometime my jobs is so boring i fall asleep .